Walt Disney World Gets New ‘Honorary’ Cast Member-Inspired Name Tag Pins Featuring Haunted Mansion & More

Walt Disney World Gets New ‘Honorary’ Cast Member-Inspired Name Tag Pins Featuring Haunted Mansion & More

Become an honorary Cast Member with one of these new name tag pins available at Walt Disney World. We found the three pins, inspired by the iconic Disney Cast Member name tags, at Fantasy Faire in Magic Kingdom.

Cast Member name tag pins, Walt Disney World

The pins are oval-shaped with stars around the edge. Instead of a name and hometown in the center, the pins each have a different “Honorary” title. And instead of the Disney resort name and castle at the top, it says “Disney Parks” with a symbol matching the title.

Honorary Princess Name Tag Pin – $12.99

Honorary Princess Name Tag Pin

This pin is pink with white stars and lettering. It reads “Honorary Princess” and has Aurora’s tiara pictured at the top. “A dream is a wish your heart makes” is along the bottom in a medieval-style typeface.

Honorary Pirate Name Tag Pin – $12.99

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This pin is red with a light brown design. A pirate skull and crossed swords are at the top and “Honorary Pirate” is in the center. Along the bottom is “Dead men tell no tales.”

Honorary Ghoul Name Tag Pin – $12.99

Honorary Ghoul Name Tag Pin

The third pin is a dark color with a mostly neon green design. The bat symbol at the top is from above the Lightning Lane entrance to Haunted Mansion — as seen in the photo below. “Welcome Foolish Mortals” is along the bottom of the pin. “Honorary Ghoul” is in the center in white lettering.

Haunted Mansion entrance

These same name tag pins are available at Disneyland Resort.

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