VIDEO: Drunk Man Strips to Underwear & Claims He’s Being Kidnapped While Being Trespassed from Walt Disney World

In March 2023, a South Dakota man was trespassed from Walt Disney World property and eventually arrested after slapping a female Disney security guard’s rear end. Now, a YouTube channel named Police Journeys has uploaded the police body camera footage of the arrest.

Footage Released of Drunk Man Being Arrested and Trespassed from Walt Disney World

A stock image of the Three Bridges Bar and Grill at Walt Disney World Resort.

According to an arrest report released months later, the incident occurred at Three Bridges Bar and Grill at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort when Andrew Ticknor, 36, “open hand slapped” a Disney security guard on “her left buttock.”

The security guard, unnamed in the police report, did not want to press charges at first, so long as Ticknor was trespassed, but later changed her mind after speaking to her manager.

Eventually, Ticknor left the hotel in an Uber with his father, and the Orange County Sheriff’s office planned to forward charges to the state attorney’s office. Ticknor was visiting Walt Disney World with his family, who remained on property after he was picked up.

Ticknor’s arrest came later, when he returned to his hotel room at Coronado Springs and the resort manager called law enforcement. Ticknor was promptly arrested, and Disney issued a second trespass.

Drunk Man Arrested and Trespassed from WDW Body Cam Footage Featured Photo
Image Source: Police Journeys on YouTube

The footage is about 44 minutes in length and chronicles the aftermath of the incident, in which police arrive on the scene to trespass Ticknor as well as his arrest after he was spotted sneaking back into his hotel room.

In the video, Ticknor continuously taunts and pushes the police officers, and at one point strips down to his underwear. When he was handcuffed and made to wait for his rideshare to remove him from Disney property, Ticknor began screaming for help and that he was being kidnapped and “shackled.”

Ticknor pled not guilty to two first-degree misdemeanor charges of battery and trespassing, and a trial date was set for June 26, 2023, which was eventually canceled. According to Orange County Circuit Court Records, a Nolle Prosequi was filed on July 28, 2023, indefinitely adjourning the case. A new hearing was scheduled for July 31, 2023, but was also canceled.

Watch the full bodycam footage of the incident:

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