TONS of Easter Eggs Are HIDING in Disney’s NEW Pixar Place Hotel Rooms!

The NEW Pixar-themed Disney hotel is officially OPEN, and we’re going inside to check it out!

Pixar Place Hotel

Pixar Place Hotel at Disneyland Resort is the new and improved version of Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel. This hotel’s refurbishment is officially complete as of January 30th, and we can’t wait to check out all the new decor and details. We’ve already gone inside the lobby and checked out the new restaurant, so now it’s time to explore the rooms! There are TONS of cool Easter eggs and details inside. Let’s check them all out!

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Disney has said that Pixar Place Hotel will “weave the artistry of Pixar into its comfortable, contemporary setting.” There’s a lot of decor and artwork in the lobby that features some of our favorite Pixar characters and movies.


Of course, you’ll see the huge Pixar Lamp balancing on top of the iconic Pixar Ball in the lobby.

The Pixar ball and lamp!

It’s situated just underneath an impressive hanging sculpture. Look closely at that sculpture to spot all the hidden Pixar characters!

Even the floor has neat little details! Take a closer look to see some famous Pixar characters!

Look at the details!

But what we REALLY want to see are the new ROOMS! We saw the Signature Pixel Suite and the Single Bedroom and spotted tons of Easter eggs.

First and foremost, the art hanging above the beds in the Single Bedroom features art and frames from famous Pixar films. While not a subtle Easter egg, this artwork is a great tie-in to the overall theme of the hotel!

Pixar Place Hotel Single Bedroom

A closer look at the beds reveals Pixar Ball-inspired bolster pillows and bed sheets! Can you see the subtle Pixar ball pattern on the comforter?

Pixar Ball bed sheets and pillows

Rooms also come equipped with The Art of Pixar books. The rooms also have their own Luxo Jr. Pixar lamps!

The Art of Pixar

If you look at the ground, you’ll see a Luxo lamp carpet design inspired by the carpet at the Pixar headquarters!

Pixar-themed carpets?!

Even the cup coasters are inspired by the Pixar Ball!

Pixar coasters

The Pixel Signature Suite features a light fixture with the Pixar Lamps designed into it. Lamps within a lamp!

Pixel Signature Suite

The Pixel Signature Suite also has different clay characters for each suite, including these Linguini and Remy clay figures from Ratatouille!

Remy and Linguini

Stay tuned to DFB for more updates on the latest Disney news!

Click here to learn more about this new hotel.

Are you planning to stay at this new hotel soon? Let us know in the comments!

Disclosure: In nearly all circumstances, Disney Food Blog writers and photographers pay full price for their own travel, hotel, food, beverage, and event tickets. We do this because it’s important to us as journalists to ensure not only that we give you unbiased opinions, but also that you can trust us to do so since we’re paying our own way. On rare occasions, when we are invited by a company to attend a preview as media, and when we choose to accept that invitation, we will always make you, our readers, aware of that situation. Today, we were invited by Disney to attend their media preview of the new Pixar Place Hotel. Note that when we attend events as media we are 1) Not required to review that event/food on any of our channels, and 2) Not required to review that event/food favorably. You can always count on DFB to give you a 100% unbiased and honest review of any event that we attend, food that we eat, or beverage that we drink. You can see more in our Disclosure Policy. Thank you for reading. — AJ

The post TONS of Easter Eggs Are HIDING in Disney’s NEW Pixar Place Hotel Rooms! first appeared on the disney food blog.