7 Things You Should ALWAYS Do in Your Disney World Hotel Room

Picture this — you’ve made it through traveling to your Disney World resort and now you’re HERE!

Fort Wilderness

You’ve just checked in, you’re making your way to your room, and you step inside for the first time. You and/or your kids get all excited about the magic of the room, but WAIT! Before you throw everything down and run to the pool or the parks, there are a few things you NEED to do inside your hotel room first.

Of course, everyone is different and what works for you and your family might not be something that everyone does. BUT, these are some common things you might want to do before you get all cozy.

Wipe Down Any Surfaces With A Disinfectant Wipe

Yes, Disney does a great job of cleaning the hotel rooms between guests, but sometimes things get missed. So grab a disinfectant wipe and quickly wipe down all the surfaces.

Wipe down all these surfaces!

This is just an extra precautionary step to make sure any and all germs left by the previous guests (or the cleaning crew) are out of the room before your whole family can come into contact with them — no one wants to be sick on their Disney World trip!

Check Your Locks

While safety is Disney’s main priority, and that can be seen by how it takes your own personalized key card or MagicBand to get into your room, it’s important to make sure your locks work as well.

Be sure to engage these locks

For extra security, be sure to use all the locks on your door at night. While you may think a break-in at Disney is unlikely to happen, it’s always important to keep you, your family, and your belongings safe!

Turn Up That Disney TV Music!

On a sillier, note, your Disney TV will be playing Disney music while it scrolls through important park information for the day. It’s such a great signal that hey, you’ve made it to Disney, so turn it up and enjoy!

Disney World Hotel TV

The screen will scroll along with different park hours, transportation information, show times, and more that can help you plan your Disney days. Many of us don’t even actually use our TV when we’re at Disney other than to let that home screen play!

Check For Bed Bugs

Yes, it’s gross, but it can happen at ANY hotel. Even the fanciest ones, because it very well may not be the hotel’s fault that they’re there.

Better safe than sorry!

Bed bugs are tiny little insects that hitch rides on other infested furniture like luggage, backpacks, or any items that have been placed on an infested plush surface. This means that a family could bring them from another infested hotel, and have no idea. They can even travel between ROOMS! And if they don’t report it to the hotel, it can go unnoticed for a while. The best way to check for bed bugs is to turn off all the lights in the room and use your phone flashlight to check the creases of the mattress.

Store Your Luggage Under Your Bed

You don’t want to be tripping over your luggage all vacation long, so store it under your bed!

All that space under the bed!

Most Disney World hotel rooms have beds with plenty of storage underneath them, meaning it’s the perfect place to store your luggage. This way, it’s out of the way, but you know exactly where it is.

Find The Thermostat

Ah yes, the thermostat. Find that baby and set it to whatever you’d like, because you have the ability to do so!

Port Orleans Riverside Thermostat

Now, don’t go annoying the other members of your party and putting it too high or too low, but your bill doesn’t change depending on how much you make the AC run, so turn that sucker to whatever fits your liking! That’s one charge you WON’T have to worry about during your vacation.

Keep A Close Eye on Your Things

So you’ve had the best vacation and now it’s time to return home. You’ll need to remember everything you brought and everything you bought because leaving something behind is something no one wants to experience.

Port Orleans — Riverside Room

When we say check every nook and cranny of that hotel room twice, we MEAN it! It’s hard to keep track of every little thing you bring, but if you think there’s even a slight chance you may have forgotten something, check the whole hotel room again. Again, better safe than sorry!

Finding Nemo Room

And those are the seven things you NEED to do in your Disney World hotel room, even if they seem tedious. Once you’ve done these things, go out there and have the best Disney trip ever, and stay tuned to DFB for all the latest news!

Check out our ultimate guide to planning your Disney World vacation here!

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Oh boy, planning a Disney trip can be quite the adventure, and we totally get it! But fear not, dear friends, we compiled EVERYTHING you need (and the things to avoid!) to plan the ULTIMATE Disney vacation.

Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned pro, our insider tips and tricks will have you exploring the parks like never before. So come along with us, and get planning your most magical vacation ever!

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What’s your favorite hotel to stay at? Tell us in the comments!

The post 7 Things You Should ALWAYS Do in Your Disney World Hotel Room first appeared on the disney food blog.