Let’s Take a Look Inside the Disneyland Apartments

I was struck with a sense of nostalgia this week after sifting through family photos for a funeral. All of the old black-and-white photographs, the family vacations, it all made me think about the way things used to be. I started to think about when I was a little girl, visiting Disneyland for maybe the second time and being told the story of Walt Disney’s apartment above Main Street, U.S.A. I grew up in the center of a family business, so the idea of being embedded in a family project that you some days never left made complete sense to me. As I got older, I found the story behind some of the Disneyland buildings enchanting. If you aren’t familiar with the story of Walt Disney’s Disneyland apartments, have a look at this video below with Roy P. Disney.

The post Let’s Take a Look Inside the Disneyland Apartments first appeared on DIS.