Ten Tips To Feel Good on a Disney Summer Vacation

The hot Florida weather is already on its way, which can make things a little more problematic when it comes to feeling good on your Disney vacation. Luckily, some of us have made every mistake in the book and can steer you in the right direction before you leave for your trip. Today we are looking at ten tips to help you stay feeling good during a Disney summer vacation.

Photo by Gui Avelar on Unsplash

Commit to a sustainable hairstyle.

This might make some of you laugh, but there is nothing quite like straightening your hair in the morning, feeling neat and tidy, only to have it destroyed by rain, humidity, and sweat before midday. You want to feel good while you are in the parks, so commit to a hairstyle that will survive the elements. I would strongly suggest avoiding heat treatments like straighteners or curling irons; the weather will undo all your hard work. You are better off embracing your natural hair shape and working from there.

Carry travel-sized deodorant and dry shampoo.

Summer days in a theme park can be lengthy, and the last thing you want to feel is sweaty and smelly. Add some lift before those memorable family photos with a little burst of dry shampoo; your future self will thank you when looking back at the pictures. Also, don’t forget to carry a tiny travel-sized deodorant.

Carry spare socks.

Even if only one pair, throwing some spare socks in your backpack for anyone that might need them can come in handy when you least expect it! I’ll never forget that time when water from Splash Mountain ran right down my leg and into my shoes. Even though my actual shoes were not too wet, I was stuck with wet socks all day, and my feet were miserable!

Stay out of long, exposed lines in the middle of the day.

Whenever possible, avoid those long outdoor lines that are exposed to the elements in the middle hours of the day. What might feel doable in the morning or afternoon could be a deal breaker in the mid-day sun, dehydrating you very quickly. With some good planning, you can avoid this hazard reasonably easily.

Keep a cooling face spritz on hand.

I am obsessed with the cooling face spray that my sister gave me years ago. I take it literally everywhere. I even have one with me while I am away right now. The one I use is called Mecca Cosmetica – Save Skin After Sun Mist, and it often saves the day. A sensory reset, feeling overwhelmed, sunburn, over-heating, anything; this spray saves my day often.

Photo by Arthur Pereira on Unsplash

Wear sunscreen; reapply relentlessly.

When you’re hot, uncomfortable, and frustrated, sunburn is the last thing you want to add to the list! Apply and reapply constantly. All that standing in line provides the perfect opportunity, and the days ahead will be so much more enjoyable if you aren’t cringing in pain at every touch. A small travel-sized roll-on is light, compact, and worth every penny. I use Neutrogena HydroBoost as the slim bottle fits perfectly in my bag, and it has a cooling factor as well.

Leave extra time to refresh before dinner.

While the cooler months might make it easier to transition effortlessly from day to night when you are on the go, the hotter summer weather can derail all of that convenience. Don’t rush your fancy dinner plans; give yourself some extra time to head back to your room and change clothes or have a shower, anything that will help you to feel good and enjoy the experience of the evening even more. I know it is time away from the parks, but trust me, it is worth it for those special occasion evenings.

Stay hydrated; sugar drinks don’t count.

Drink water. You’ve heard it before, right? And yet so often, I see people drinking sugary drinks throughout the day and thinking they provide the same hydration. Though you are consuming liquid, other factors in soda, like carbonation, chemicals, and sugar, can make it harder for your body to rehydrate. Some nutritionists even suggest it can make dehydration worse. Make sure you get that water into your system as well as anything else you consume.

Limit your alcohol intake.

Speaking of dehydration, keep an eye on your alcohol intake, especially if you are drinking around the world in EPCOT. Your body will handle alcohol very differently in the heat. Causing more sweat and bathroom breaks will mean your system loses liquid faster than you are replacing it. Stay mindful of what you are drinking in hot weather and be sure to fill in the gaps with, you guessed it, water!

Bring a personal travel fan.

This is a trend that I have only just gotten on board with, and I must say, I will never look back. I have two little ones that are pocket-sized and double as a power bank to recharge your phone. They come in handy when there is no breeze and someone in your family just needs some airflow. Whisper quiet and easy to whip out when needed; you can do away with fanning someone with the neared pieces of paper or cardboard and cool down the easy way.

What are your best tips for feeling cool and refreshed in summer?

The post Ten Tips To Feel Good on a Disney Summer Vacation first appeared on DIS.