REVIEW: Pistachio-Cherry Churro Returns for the Holidays at Disneyland

The Pistachio-Cherry Churro at Disneyland is back for the holiday season. You can find the churro at the cart in New Orleans Square.

Pistachio-Cherry Churro

Pistachio-Cherry Churro – $6.75

Cinnamon churro rolled in pistachio and sour cherry sugars and served with a side of ghost pepper grape sauce

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The sour cherry churro is just as sweet and tart as we remembered.

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The pistachio churro threw us for a loop. While some in our party intensely disliked the pistachio powder, the others felt that is was passable at best.
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The grape ghost pepper jelly left us cold. The spice never came through, leaving just a plain grape jelly. It wasn’t unpleasant, but definitely unnecessary with this churro dish.

Overall, it’s a hate-love relationship with the pistachio-cherry churro.

The holiday season at Disneyland runs from November 11 through January 8.

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