Disney Donates $5 Per Virtual Pandoran Ocean Creature Creation to The Nature Conservancy

In celebration of the new Avatar: The Way of the Water movie, from now through December 31, 2022, you can create your very own Avatar-inspired ocean creature online. The best part is, for every creature created in the Virtual Pandoran Ocean, Disney USA is giving $5 to The Nature Conservancy US, up to one million dollars. Disney is contributing to the effort in assistance to achieve the association’s global goal of protecting 10 percent of the ocean by 2030.

Keep the oceans amazing. 💙 Create an Avatar-inspired ocean creature from now through December 31 and for every creature created in the Virtual Pandoran Ocean, Disney will give $5 to The Nature Conservancy. 

Disney Instagram Account

Avatar: The Way of Water is only in theaters beginning December 16th.