The Most Facepalm Moments in Disney World in 2020!

2020 has been FULL of surprises.


Some surprises have been great, some hectic, and some moments were highly entertaining. There were a few select moments that will go down in Awkward Disney World History. You know, the times where you sit back and say to yourself, “Wait, what just happened??” We think everyone is in need of a much-needed laugh right now. Let’s reflect on the moments that Disney hitched a ride on the Struggle Bus and made us seriously facepalm in the process. 

We’re starting with an epic “Christmas” drink that had us seriously perplexed. We get it. Christmas happens overnight at Disney World and November 1st brings a weird mix of holly jolly merchandise mixed with pumpkin wreaths. This drink was the essence of an awkward transition between fall and winter at Disney World.

“Holiday” Drink

The drink was the exact replica of the Halloween Rotten Apple DrinkGUMMY WORMS and all! The only difference was they swapped a poison apple glow cube with a Mickey ornament. Woof. What a way to start the Christmas season! Although, it is pretty tasty so feel free to try the Christmasween drink from Flame Tree Barbecue in Disney’s Animal Kingdom!

Check out our review of the “Rotten Apple But Make It Christmas” drink!

In other awkward foodie news, Disney introduced us to the Churro Worth Melting For this Christmas season. At first, you’re like, “Aww, a churro inspired by Olaf!” Then you take a look at the white frosting cup with a candy carrot floating around and you realize…that this is supposed to be Olaf in a melted puddle. 

Churro Worth Melting For

Ummm. Disney, we didn’t need Olaf to actually melt for this churro! We would have been fine with a regular churro with some “winter icing” frosting. This wasn’t our favorite holiday treat, but give it a try if you’re craving a churro dipped in marshmallow fluff! You can find it at the Dumbo Snack Cart in the Magic Kingdom.

See more pictures of the Churro Worth Melting For snack right here!

Elsa’s had a ROUGH year. There have been a few moments that had us feeling for the poor girl. There was the time she was totally over it and didn’t give a flying flurry about the climax scene during Frozen Ever After. Her lackluster hand gestures and sleepy face made it pretty obvious she needed a coffee break.

Elsa in Frozen Ever After

After that, she had a moment where she forgot the words to her signature song. The orchestration carried throughout the scene, but Elsa didn’t make a peep! The boat pulled up to Elsa and awkwardly backed away from the situation.

Honestly, we can’t really blame her. She’s been having to walk during the Character Promenades while her sister gets to sit back in a horse-drawn carriage. Frozen Ever After recently went through a refurbishment so hopefully, she’s feeling a little more refreshed these days!

Check out the video of Elsa totally letting it go during Frozen Ever After!

Animatronics always seem to be having a moment at Disney World. Poor Jose from The Gran Fiesta Tour Starring The Three Caballeros was extremely tuckered out a few months ago. He decided to take a siesta face-first into the ground while the ride was running. A few days later, Jose was missing entirely while Donald and Panchito had a fiesta without him.

The…Two Caballeros

Don’t worry! Jose is now back and partying with his Caballeros!

Read more about Jose’s unfortunate week at EPCOT here!

And then there’s poor John from Carousel of Progress. Life’s tough when you have a family to take care of and seem to be time-traveling through the decades every 5 minutes or so. He seemed to get so tired of ruining Christmas dinner every year that he lost his hand in the process!

Give this animatronic a hand!

Maybe he’ll get a new bionic hand in the future. That’s progress for ya!

See more pics of John’s mishap right here!

John’s rough Christmas morning and Jose’s unfortunate week hardly measures up to the day Br’er Rabbit was having a few weeks ago! He really wanted to head to his laughing place, but just couldn’t muster up the energy. He sadly loped over the hills with his sack and couldn’t be bothered. We feel you, Br’er Rabbit! The next cup of coffee is on us!

We hope a few of these moments brought a smile to your face! Now, it’s your turn! We want to hear your favorite funny moments at Disney World this year. Make us smile with your stories in the comments below!

Need another laugh? Check out the Merida Alien Remix plush that had us rolling last month!

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What’s your favorite funny moment from Disney World? Tell us about it in the comments below!

The post The Most Facepalm Moments in Disney World in 2020! first appeared on the disney food blog.