NEW Gorgeous Replica Journals of Classic Disney Fairytale Storybooks Arrive in Disney World!

NEW Gorgeous Replica Journals of Classic Disney Fairytale Storybooks Arrive in Disney World!

Once upon a time, we found these adorable princess journals!

World of Disney

Now that World of Disney is officially reopened in Disney Springs, we’ve been popping in to see what merchandise is available. And we’ve found several things to add to our wish list!

We spotted some beautiful princess journals (which we’ve previously reported on) in World of Disney, and it’s the first time we’ve seen them available in-store! First, let’s take a look at the Cinderella journal — check out the gorgeous detail on the front cover and clasp!

Cinderella Journal

An inscription inside the journal provides a backstory about the artwork contained before the lined pages of the journal.

Cinderella Journal

The front of the journal includes the story of Cinderella, complete with illustrations.

Cinderella Journal

And here’s a peek at the lined pages of the journal where you can write your own fairy tale!

Cinderella Journal

And we also saw a Sleeping Beauty journal that paid homage to Princess Aurora! The cover is incredibly ornate, with tons of sparkly jewels!

Sleeping Beauty Journal

This journal also starts with artwork that tells the story of Sleeping Beauty.

Sleeping Beauty Journal

And, of course, there are lined pages for you to fill with your own princess musings!

Sleeping Beauty Journal

Both of these journals were priced at $29.99, and they would make a great addition to any princess fan’s collection! Seriously, we can’t get over those GORGEOUS details on the covers!

Click here to learn more about the super busy reopening of World of Disney!

What Disney merchandise are you most excited to buy at World of Disney? Let us know in the comments!